Learning for me, is like placing ideas into boxes. These ideas packed into boxes all have some sort of relation and/or connection. Social bookmarking is heaven sent for a person that seeks to understand the world through categories. Social bookmarking streamlines the process of a simultaneous need to categorize and collaborate ideas. I don't think that every person has an inner need to categorize their thoughts and life to the extent that I do, but social bookmarking serves as an excellent tool to reflect upon a process of learning.
Placing ideas and documents into categorical files is a process that humans have conducted for quite some time, but social bookmarking and tagging allows people to collaborate their thoughts and ideas in addition to placing them into categories. I believe that a vast majority of learning is constructed with social interactions, and utilizing tech or apps that allow learners to share and build upon other's ideas is most definitely optimal.
Click here for a review of ten social bookmarking apps or tools to utilize in the classroom.
Thanks for posting that link, Heather! I personally adore Pinterest (and sometimes spend wayyy too much time on it), do you have a favorite tool for bookmarking?